the Dancing Cat Yoga Centre
Our Facility
The room is large and sunlit and located in central uptown New Westminster with plenty of easy parking. There are blankets, pillows, bolsters, extra mats and washrooms available to make your class an enjoyable and comfortable experience. See our Map for location and directions.

“I have learned that the Body listens to rhythms the mind can’t even hear.” – John Lee
Often I am asked what kind of Yoga I teach. Truth is that the longer I teach & practice the more I’m not sure how to answer that question. What I do know however, is if we take time to notice our unique rhythm of how our Body moves through time & space, there is an opportunity to re-invent ourselves.
Further, I think of the practice as being extraordinary & able to lift us out of some habits we may have that are limiting our Body’s amazing abilities.
The meaning of the word yoga is to unite Body, Mind & Spirit & the individual Self to universal consciousness. Although bringing in the idea of our connection to Spirit in today’s world may be sensitive, I believe it broadens our perspective & brings a deeper meaning to our work.
From the belief that we are Spiritual Beings having a physical experience, I begin each class with some Yogic Philosophy. I urge my fellow Yogis & Yoginis not to get stuck on any of my words but to take what truly resonates with their own Spirit and leave anything that doesn’t, behind.
When we maintain a felt sense of openness & curiosity & feel very much in the present moment, we are in Spirit. It is that simple & that complicated at the very same time. I know I’m in Spirit when I feel intensely positive & accepting of whatever comes my way on & off my mat. Is this a struggle & a challenge? Absolutely. Is this a worthwhile intention? Absolutely. I also know that the practice of Yoga regardless of what it’s called has & will continue to change all who practice in ways that feel just right.